Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pantheon of the brain

The Pantheon in religion - it is all the gods of this religion, the pantheon of Soviet science - is the brains of all the outstanding Soviet people. It all began with the death of Lenin. An autopsy revealed severe destruction of brain tissue caused by hardening of the walls of cerebral vessels. Before science upright task was to explain how the disease may be associated with unexplained genius leader? .

... F. Razvedenkov Melnikov, one of the largest Soviet pathologists - the discrepancy between them was: disembodied spirit could not bear stress. The brain was the victor, but the service, ancillary connective tissue in it was untenable, from lipoid degeneration, multiple sclerosis, calcification, fragility, narrowing of blood vessels, - softening and hemorrhage in the brain, and m. Dr.. ... E. Zinoviev).

For example, in 1924 the laboratory to study Lenin's brain under the direction of a major German neurologist, director of the Berlin Institute for Brain, Professor Oscar Fogg. Before you set a task to find a laboratory in the brain of the physical evidence of his genius. They worked so well that in 1928 the laboratory reorganize the State Institute of the brain ( GIM ), which was to find ...

Soviet science in the early twentieth century in general was very well developed. Scientists have talked about the quick victory over the bed ( the builder of communism do not need sleep ), the transformation of the Soviet Union into a single family, by blood transfusion from the old party members the younger generation (experiments A scientist. A. Bogdanov ), the achievement of immortality and revival of corpses. In this atmosphere, the proposal of Academician. M. Bekhterev's Pantheon of the brain to develop outstanding people of the Soviet Union did not look like something impossible. Especially when you consider that a genius to find the material needed experimental material: ... the mysterious Sphinx, which is called genius. Science genius and talent, named evrology already outlines the ways to study the anatomical basis of genius and talent - so far only based on the extracted material by accident ... ).

It is not known whether the scientific arguments had an effect on the power or the fact that Bekhterev proposed the creation of the Pantheon to the tenth anniversary of the USSR, but soon the removal of brilliant brains put on stream.

The Institute brain using makrotoma - gilyatinopodobnoy special machine - cut into chunks. Then they rolled in formalin, in alcohol, and finally embedded in paraffin. But then again, a more precise cut machine - microtome - on thin slices of thickness about 20 microns. Only after such preparatory work got a brain under the microscope.

All the necessary instruments of macro-and microtome, microscopes and darkroom were made ​​on the project Fogg in Germany. The Soviet and German scientists in general were a lot of common interests, which cost only established by the same Fogg in the late 20s in Moscow, the Russian- German Laboratory race ( geographic) pathology.

The institute compared its main exhibit, Lenin's brain, the brain of ... Then, when the advanced artifacts, compared with the brains of Kuibyshev, Lunacharsky, Menzhinsky, Bogdanova, Michurina Mayakovsky. The conclusion was unambiguous: Lenin's brain was different from all the ... But such a comparison brain was only the most harmless of all the experiments that led scientists across the country.

Once replaced the ideology of religion, the idea of ​​man as a soul- body tandem in the minds of people and, above all, scientists turned to the brain -body. And it became very tempting to solve any human problem with a scalpel.

Traditionally, animal experiments have begun to. Found that the rat is removed from the hemispheres of the brain does not have any common needs, but if it is not artificially fed, then a few days later she died of starvation. But deprived of the cerebral hemispheres begin pigeon greatly increased in weight (with the same diet ). A surgically chickens given even greater weight gain. Then it turned out that the birds with a remote cord, if you stop feeding them die of hunger much later neprooperirovannyh.

Who knows what were going to use this data to create a new Soviet man, but the Second World War, and the close cooperation of German and Soviet scientists ended. In the USSR, all experiments on the brain, previously widely publicized in the press, classified, and in Germany were former colleagues for their experiments, millions of concentration camp prisoners, which they used to identify human sverhvozmozhnostey.

After the victory over fascism, the Allies divided the spoils. U.S. got all rocket and engineering of German scientists, and the USSR - the archives of psychophysical studies. Sadly, almost all of their discovery, paid hundreds of thousands of people tortured to death under torture, almost repeating what has been known since the days of ancient India. These are the opening as: ... They found that if a person learns to control his spirit, it may enter into such a state of mind, when he was an operation without anesthesia can be done. Pain will not be. In light of this conclusion is that physical reality is nothing more than an illusion of mind, it seems more logical. To this the Nazis added their ideological pump that the only reality is their empire, but they - the people, rather, supermen and the rest - biological objects, that good and evil exist only in the minds of these biological objects, etc..

Human consciousness is fraught with enormous opportunities, but if we discard cherished religions for thousands of years, the concept of morality, these features can easily turn into evil. Conversely, in the same Indian yoga came to the high knowledge, not causing anyone any harm. Some of them even considered killing the insect bad thing.

In today's world, there are the heirs of these two opposing concepts of the development of human consciousness. NLP ( neurolinguistic programming) as well as psycho- used in spetsvoyskah, the legacy of the founders of supermen of the Third Reich. And the Chinese, Indian and other schools of spiritual and physical perfection has its origins from ancient civilizations.

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